I'm pretty sure I picked up the R9 squirrel hair mop travel brush from Rosemary & Co because of some minor positive comment on it in Jane Blundell's blog, and have become increasingly pleased with the choice ever since. It was my second brush after getting an Escoda Reserva Kolinsky Sable #8 Travel Brush, and at the first didn't seem to be as useful and pleasing as my Escoda, being a bit snapless and floppy, and without the needle sharpness of the kolinsky.
However, as I continue on with it I find I reach for it more often, feeling more comfortable to scrub with it and treat it a touch less gently then my kolinsky. I did underestimate the usefulness of it's point, but have become used to its difference. Further, the rate at which it puts pigment to paper and the ease of adjusting the pigment dilution by touching brush to water is exceedingly nice and can be done without too much thought, as opposed to my kolinsky brush :-)
My only issue with this brush is that even being careful when I cap it, I still occasionally catch stray hairs on the side of the brush, as the fit is extremely tight, bending them backwards and making it a little less pleasing to look at, even if it doesn't actually affect the practical usage of it excessively. Even after 6 months of usage, it still sheds a hair now and then, but I continue to appreciate this brush, and will likely pick up another should the necessity arise :-)